Be Smart About Keeping Data Private

Published 9/7/23

Data privacy is a commitment to treat the information of employees, customers, stakeholders, and other interested parties with the utmost care and confidentiality.  It is centered around how data should be collected, stored, managed, and shared with third parties, and compliance with applicable privacy laws.

Data Privacy focuses on the rights of individuals, the purpose of data collection and processing, privacy preferences, and the way organizations govern personal data. It focuses on how to collect, process, share, archive, and delete the data in accordance with the law.

With the increasing use of technology, there has been a huge growth in the amount of personal data being collected and processed by organizations. This has led to a growing concern among individuals about the security of their personal data, and the ways in which their data may be used.

Individuals must be vigilant about their own data privacy, taking steps to secure their personal data and understanding the ways in which their data is being used by organizations.  Here are a few ways to mitigate exposure:


  • Limit sharing
    The first way to protect digital privacy is to limit the amount of information you share. If an entity does not need the information, do not give it to them. This is especially true on social media platforms. Social media platforms collect a lot of data about you. If this data falls into the wrong hands, it becomes much easier for bad actors to plot nefarious activities. Another related tip – do not put private data into public systems such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) as that can be discovered by hackers.


  • Check privacy settings and data retention policies
    To reduce this risk, you should check and adjust your privacy settings on each platform, making sure you only share what you want with whom you want. You should also avoid posting or saying anything online that you want to keep private or that could harm you in the future. Many companies keep your private information long after they need it. For example: A student loan company was hacked 20 years after a loan was paid off, and social security numbers still retained from those paid-off accounts were compromised.


  • Strong passwords
    One of the most basic ways to protect digital privacy is to use strong and unique passwords for each of your online systems. This prevents hackers from guessing or cracking your passwords and accessing your sensitive information. Another way to protect your digital privacy is to use multi-factor authentication whenever possible for your online accounts, especially for important ones such as email and online banking.


  • Public wi-fi discretion
    Be cautious while using public Wi-Fi networks, such as those in cafes, airports, or hotels. Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured and can expose your online activity to hackers or snoops.


Read and understand the privacy policies most companies send out annually explaining how they protect your data. These are some of the best ways to protect your digital privacy in the digital age. By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits and convenience of emerging technology without compromising your data and privacy.