Get ready for the 2024 InvoiceCloud Summer Sweepstakes  

Published 5/2/24

The InvoiceCloud Summer Sweepstakes kicks off on June 1st! To make sure you’re able to get the most out of this year’s sweepstakes, now is a great time to start preparing to promote the offer to your utility customers. During this year’s sweepstakes, customers that enroll in paperless billing between June 1st and July 31st will be entered to win 1 of 12 Visa gift cards (ranging from $100 – $500).  
Promoting the sweepstakes to your utility billing customers is a great way to encourage paperless billing enrollment, lowering the budget needed for invoice printing and mailing. Here are a few ways you can promote the sweepstakes:  

  1. Inform your customer service team: Your customer service representatives are constantly working directly with your payers. Every time a representative interacts with a customer is an opportunity to mention the sweepstakes and encourage paperless billing enrollment. Make sure your team is fully informed on this year’s sweepstakes so they’re able to leverage their daily interactions during the sweepstakes period.
  2. Add a graphic to your email signatures: For team members who communicate with customers by email, provide them with the email signature graphic available in the Marketing Resource Center to use in June and July.
  3. Add a message to your utility invoices: A short message on your printed invoices is a great way to promote the sweepstakes and encourage more paperless billing enrollment. We recommend including a promotional message on any invoices with a due date in June or July. To boost your message, you could also add a promotional envelope teaser and/or a bill insert to your mailed invoices during the sweepstakes period. You can find envelope teasers and bill inserts promoting the sweepstakes in the Marketing Resource Center.
  4. Display posters in your office: The Marketing Resource Center also has customizable and ready-to-print posters you can use in your office to encourage customers to participate in the sweepstakes. Print several copies and display on your payment counter and other high traffic areas during the sweepstakes period.

Get ready as soon as possible to ensure you and your team is prepared for the sweepstakes kick-off!  

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