Offset the Rising Costs of Mailed Bills

Published 2/2/23

The cost of mailing an invoice is on the rise. Both paper and printing prices have been steadily increasing, and the US Postal Service recently enacted a 4.2% price increase to help offset the rise in inflation. These increases can have huge impacts on your organization’s yearly budget.

So, what can you do about these rising costs?

Higher eBill Adoption, Lower Print and Mail Costs

Promoting paperless billing is the easiest way to shield your organization from the price increases for mailed bills. Increasing the number of customers enrolled in paperless billing can greatly reduce your printing and mail-related costs. Here are effective ways to encourage customers to adopt eBills:

  • Train your customer service representatives to promote paperless billing – Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to educate them on the benefits of going paperless. Customer service representatives can also provide “How to Enroll in Paperless Billing” handouts to in-person customers or even offer to enroll customers in paperless billing on their behalf.
  • Add a note to your invoice – Use your invoice as a promotional tool and include a short message on printed bills encouraging paperless billing. You can also include your QR code on your invoices to provide customers with quick access to your payment portal and paperless enrollment.
  • Consider converting all AutoPay payers to paperless billing – A quick way to increase your paperless adoption rate and decrease costs is to automatically convert AutoPay customers to paperless billing and adopt an “opt-in” model for anyone who’d like to receive a paper bill. To discuss this option further, submit a ticket to our customer support team.

To download the “How to Enroll in Paperless Billing” how-to guide, sample bill messages, and more, visit our Marketing Resource Center.

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