4 Ways Your Organization Can Drive Online Payment Adoption for Taxes

When we talk about “adoption,” we are generally referring to electronic billing and payment adoption or the process of driving customers to make…

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Tags: adoption, ebpp, online payment system, online payments, self-service

Decreasing Late Payments with Higher CSAT: Client Story

There’s a common misconception within the local municipality space that customer satisfaction (CSAT) doesn’t impact the day-to-day intricacies of billing and payments within utility service providers. Unfortunately, that is not the…

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Tags: customer experience, customer satisfaction, digital payments, ebpp, online payment system, online payments, self-service

How to Protect Your Utility or Municipality from Cyberthreats

In January 2020, cybercriminals disturbed government services for a week in Tillamook County, using ransomware. In May 2020, cybercriminals…

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Tags: online payment system, partnerships, security, utilities

Driving Self-Service Adoption with Enhanced CX: Client Story

In today’s day and age, it’s critical to meet your customers where they are. When it comes to the…

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Tags: client stories, online payment system, online payments, self-service, user experience

3 New Biller Best Practices in the Wake of COVID-19

Just as COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we live, billing organizations have also had to pivot their best practices in response to the health…

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Tags: adoption, digital payments, omni-channel, saas, user experience

The Benefits of a Reconciliation Tool for Insurance Organizations

Despite being a necessity for insurance carriers, reconciliations can become a costly and time-consuming process, one that leaves insurance organizations vulnerable to critical errors and needlessly consumes employee…

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Tags: customer satisfaction, ebpp, insurance, online payment system, policyholder experience

Celebrating Earth Day: The Impact of Paperless Billing

This Earth Day, we’d like to highlight a self-service option in the payment route that’s beneficial for billing organizations, the planet, and highly convenient for…

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Tags: adoption, online payments, self-service, user experience

The Mobile Payment Platform Optimization Checklist

Whether it’s online, on the phone, or on a mobile payment platform, allowing your customers to submit payments on the channel of their choice is key to increasing online…

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Tags: customer experience, ebpp, google pay, mobile wallet, omni-channel

What it Takes to Join the Invoice Cloud Implementation Team

The implementation team at Invoice Cloud truly bridges the gap between two major pillars of our organizational mission: providing both a simple, online payment solution that makes our clients’ jobs easier…

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Tags: culture, implementations, online payment system, saas, values