Video: Soquel Creek Conserves Resources Through Frictionless Payments

Soquel Creek Water District is a public agency dedicated to providing a high-quality and sustainable water supply to nearly…

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Tags: client stories, digital payments, ebpp, online payment system, online payments, self-service, user experience, utilities

Water Authority Stabilizes Rates with Stellar Digital Payment Experience: Client Story 

Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA), a not-for-profit, community-owned water utility in Reno, Nevada, was struggling to stabilize rates and…

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Tags: adoption, client stories, customer experience, customer frustration, self-service, user experience, utilities

True SaaS for Insurance: Meeting Policyholder Expectations Today and Tomorrow 

As is true across all industries, customer expectations are constantly evolving for insurance providers. While the wants and needs…

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Tags: client stories, customer churn, customer satisfaction, digital payments, ebpp, insurance, policyholder experience, saas, Uncategorized, user experience

Video: How Ellington Mutual is Meeting Today’s Customer Expectations

Ellington Mutual has been meeting its customers’ insurance needs for nearly 150 years — the last thing its team…

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Tags: adoption, client stories, customer experience, customer satisfaction, insurance, online payment system, online payments, policyholder experience

You’re an InvoiceCloud Customer – What Support Can You Expect? 

If you’ve recently become an InvoiceCloud customer, welcome! At InvoiceCloud, biller support is an essential part of our offerings,…

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Tags: adoption, client stories, implementations, integrations

Video: Bona Vista Water Improves Productivity with Online Payment Services

Community growth can be an exciting and overwhelming time for utility providers — more people relying on your services…

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Tags: client stories, digital payments, ebpp, online payment system, self-service, user experience, utilities

Video: City of Escondido Saves Staff Time by Driving Self-Service

The InvoiceCloud model was developed around customer success — which means, literally, our team can’t succeed until our customer…

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Tags: adoption, client stories, customer satisfaction, online payments, self-service

Bona Vista Water District Improves Staff Productivity: Client Story

The Bona Vista Water District of Utah began in 1956 as a special service district. Today, the district serves…

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Tags: client stories, customer experience, ebpp, online payment system, security, user experience, utilities

InvoiceCloud Announces Winner of First-Ever Online Billing Sweepstakes

Just last week, we celebrated an InvoiceCloud first by announcing the winners of our first-ever online billing sweepstakes! Over…

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Tags: adoption, client stories, customer engagement, digital payments, omni-channel, online payments, self-service