The Key to Preventing Insurance Agent Burnout 

According to a recent Slack survey, a staggering 43% of desk workers report feeling burned out. This problem is…

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Tags: adoption, culture, customer churn, customer frustration, customer satisfaction, digital payments, ebpp, insurance, online payment system, online payments, policyholder experience, user experience

3 Benefits of Automatically Matching Electronic Payments to Open Invoices 

Of all the valuable resources billing organizations are looking to conserve these days, time is the most finite. Whether…

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Tags: digital payments, ebpp, online payment system, online payments, product, user experience

3 Ways Digital Payments Improve the County Tax Office Experience 

It’s no industry secret: county tax offices are facing staffing issues. Between growing rates of retirement and the struggle…

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Tags: adoption, customer experience, customer frustration, customer satisfaction, digital payments, ebpp, online payment system, online payments, self-service, user experience

On-demand Webinar: the State of Digital Premium Payments

Few policyholder touchpoints are as operationally important as collecting premium payments. Besides providing revenue, some policyholders only interact with…

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Tags: customer engagement, customer experience, customer satisfaction, digital payments, ebpp, insurance, omni-channel, online payments, policyholder experience, research, self-service, user experience

On-demand Webinar: the State of Municipal Bill Payments

Few customer touchpoints are as operationally important as billing and payment collection. Not only are bill payments a main…

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Tags: apple pay, customer experience, customer satisfaction, digital payments, mobile wallet, online payments, research, self-service, user experience, utilities

The 2023 Payment Experience Checklist

The New Year is upon us, which means it’s officially time to take stock of all your organizational successes…

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Tags: adoption, customer effort, customer experience, digital payments, online payments, research, self-service, user experience

Video: Soquel Creek Conserves Resources Through Frictionless Payments

Soquel Creek Water District is a public agency dedicated to providing a high-quality and sustainable water supply to nearly…

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Tags: client stories, digital payments, ebpp, online payment system, online payments, self-service, user experience, utilities