The 5 Biggest Payment Engagement Trends for 2021
With 2020 behind us, all eyes are looking forward to what 2021 holds. For billing and payment professionals, that curiosity can be summed up…
Tags: adoption, customer engagement, customer experience, customer frustration, ebpp, online payment system, saas, user experience
How 2020 Accelerated Online Payment Adoption
This past year was an unprecedented one – one that asked organizations across all industries to reevaluate and reimagine how they provide products…
Tags: adoption, ebpp, online payment system, online payments
Increased Customer Satisfaction Saves Resources: Client Story
Just as billing and payments are an essential arm of local government, increased customer satisfaction is an essential metric for evaluating an…
Tags: adoption, customer experience, customer satisfaction, online payment system, online payments
Webinar Recap: 4 Tips to Increase Online Adoption
When we talk about adoption, we are generally referring to e-adoption or electronic billing and payment adoption. At its…
Tags: adoption, customer engagement, ebpp, self-service
Streamlining Online Payment Options to Drive Adoption: Client Story
The intersection where internal processes meet payments can prove to be an organizational boon or a challenging roadblock –…
Tags: adoption, customer churn, digital payments, utilities
3 Insurance Challenges Solved by Online Bill Payment Software
In the insurance industry, there are several key challenges that organizations need to address to remain competitive and keep…
4 Reasons to Measure Electronic Payment Adoption
When it comes to selecting an Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) platform for your organization, the list of…