What is a Customer Effort Score–and Why Does it Matter?

There are many ways to measure your organization’s customer experience, from quantitative surveys to qualitative interviews and reviews. When…

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Tags: customer effort, customer experience, customer frustration, user experience

A Peek into Our “CLOUDIES” Culture

Here at Invoice Cloud, we strive to make life simple for our clients and their customers – something that’s…

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Tags: culture, values

Improving User Experience with SaaS Software: Client Story

One of the biggest challenges for insurance organizations today is maintaining a competitive edge in a crowded, fast-moving industry….

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Tags: client stories, customer experience, saas

4 Benefits of a Strong Partner Network

When evaluating potential vendors for your organization – payments-related or otherwise – one important factor to take into consideration…

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Tags: customer experience, integrations, partnerships

How Customer Frustration Impacts Customer Churn

Losing business to customer churn is a notorious challenge in the insurance space. Part of what makes this loss…

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Tags: customer churn, customer frustration

5 Customer Preference Trends Your Organization Needs to Know

How important is keeping up with customer preferences? Although the answer to this question may vary by industry, the…

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Tags: customer experience, customer satisfaction, user experience

Enhancing User Experience to Boost Digital Payments: Client Story

The insurance space is a highly competitive one, where the expectations for innovative payment options have been steadily growing…

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Tags: client stories, digital payments, insurance

Why is Having a Mobile Wallet Payment Option So Important?

Have you ever seen someone get their total at the grocery store and go for their phone instead of…

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Tags: apple pay, google pay, mobile wallet, omni-channel

3 Takeaways from Insurity Connected 2020

Insurity Connected is an annual client conference that brings together some of insurance’s leadingi tices. This year, the conference…

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Tags: insurance, partnerships