Is Your EBPP Providing a Bad User Experience?

Consumers’ needs are constantly changing, but one thing remains the same—they expect an outstanding user experience (UX) every step…

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Tags: customer experience, ebpp, user experience

What is Cloudwashing? How to Identify a True SaaS Solution

As organizations become more familiar with the benefits of SaaS, or Software as a Service, the demand for this…

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Tags: saas

What is SaaS — and Why is it Necessary for Payments?

If you have ever purchased software for your organization, you have likely heard the term SaaS, or Software as…

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Tags: saas

How Helping Payers Go Paperless Boosts Efficiency: Client Story

For many utility companies, billing customers and collecting payments can be a challenge. Specifically, organizations struggle with keeping costs…

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Tags: client stories, ebpp, utilities

Investing in a Payment Solution with a Strong Partner Ecosystem: Healthcare Edition

A go-it-alone approach to healthcare payments does not work, especially in a climate where high-deductible health plans are the…

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Tags: online payment system, partnerships

3 Insurance Challenges Solved by Online Bill Payment Software

In the insurance industry, there are several key challenges that organizations need to address to remain competitive and keep…

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Tags: adoption, ebpp, insurance

To Drive Adoption, Provide a Great Customer Experience

In 2020, providing a great customer experience is about meeting customers’ ever-changing expectations. Customer experience has become a primary…

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Tags: customer experience, user experience

How a Positive User Experience Drives Business Results: Client Story

Creating a positive user experience is about more than your customers – it’s about driving quantifiable business results for…

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Tags: client stories, customer experience, user experience

The Ultimate Online Payment System Checklist

The primary challenge most organizations have when it comes to selecting an online payment system is that, on paper,…

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Tags: ebpp, online payment system